

1964年就在美国纳斯达克交易,然后2003年被退市,现在没有交易 不过,因为Nestle是瑞士公司并且大部分资产和盈利都在瑞士,所以它可以在瑞士证交所交易(Swiss Stock Exchange)。 Nestlé is Switzerland's largest publicly-listed company. Its share price has risen by more than $5,7bn since January 2017 to its current level of CHF83 (US$83) this week, and total market capitalization stands at nearly $235 bn — making it the biggest Swiss company in terms of value. URL Nespresso is a Nestle brand which trades on Euronext Paris. It was listed back in March 1993, so one could say that Nespresso is an old-timer! The IPO raised €1.5 billion for EfV and gave Nestlé’s stake in the company as high as 92 percent until it was reduced through share sales. In September, Nestlé put another seven million shares up for sale with the aim of reducing its holding to below 50%. After they were sold off last month, Nestlé held just over 31% of the shares in EfV. Last Thursday, however, following their acquisition of some of Nestlé’s remaining stock in EfV, Proximus became the sole shareholder after buying out LM Wind Power, Sodexo and Olam International, who had also owned minority stakes. Nescafe is traded on Euronext Amsterdam, although I believe there are only active orders during European trading sessions.




2018.7 宣布将把咖啡业务分拆成独立公司上市的消息,并聘请摩根士丹利负责相关事宜;

2019年底开始招股; 据路透社报道,预计将于5月份完成IPO,估值约43亿瑞士法郎(约36亿美元)。 根据路透社的报道,此次IPO的定价将为每股26-27瑞郎。 IPO后的新公司将成为欧洲市值最大的上市公司之一——按股本计算,将是欧洲第七大、全球第十五大食品和饮料制造商。 如果计划顺利推进,它还将成为欧洲最年轻的大型上市公司。
